Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Complexities of Morality and Perception in Tom Jones...

The Complexities of Morality and Perception in Tom Jones by Henry Fielding When Henry Fieldings Tom Jones was published, it was considered by many critics to be an entirely immoral, and thus, quite offensive piece of writing. Even the back cover of our Oxford Worlds Classics edition makes reference to the work as A motley history of bastardism, fornication and adultery. Inside this same edition, John Benders introduction describes the negative response to the work by Fieldings own peers and predecessors in Samuel Johnson and Samuel Richardson (xvii-xx). While the public was somewhat more enticed by the storys seedy details and wild characters, the book was generally considered with at least a little skepticism regarding†¦show more content†¦His novel is a work containing many sets of corresponding opposites. And so this direct and opposing set of opinions about Tom and Master Blifil helps establish the two as one of these sets. Also, the formation of Mr. Allworthys less than shining opinion of Tom provides some foreshadowing of his later action s towards our main character. Fielding goes as far as to directly point out this foreshadowing, in a typical intrusion of narrative perspective, when he tells us that this developing shift in opinions has prepared Mr. Allworthys mind for those impressions which afterwards produced the mighty events that will be contained hereafter in this history (122). This kind of narrative intrusion pops up all over Tom Jones, and it is an exceptionally blatant use of the device later in the chapter which gives this portion of the book such importance when considering Fieldings moral implications. After establishing the impression of the two boys developed by Mr. Allworthy, Fielding inserts an entire paragraph, written in the authors own voice, outlining one of the novels major moral assertions. Fielding, aware of this passages function, even subtitles the chapter In which the author himself makes an appearance on the stage (121), laying out for the reader a clear understanding of the presence of a narrative voice outside the action of the story which serves to clarify the authors opinion of the chapters meaning. He uses the impression of the boys describedShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pages Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Director of Editorial Services: Ashley Santora Acquisitions Editor: Brian Mickelson Editorial Project Manager: Sarah Holle Editorial Assistant: Ashlee Bradbury VP Director of Marketing: Patrice Lumumba Jones Senior Marketing Manager: Nikki Ayana Jones Senior Managing Editor: Judy Leale Production Project Manager: Becca Groves Senior Operations Supervisor: Arnold Vila Operations Specialist: Cathleen Petersen Senior Art Director: Janet Slowik Art Director: Kenny Beck TextRead MoreProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words   |  860 PagesInternational Project Manager s Day (D) (see handout provided by instructor) Ellen Moore (A): Living and Working in Korea 177 Ji nan Broadcasting Corporation 196 4 PROJECT MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES 205 Quasar Communications, Inc. 207 Jones and Shephard Accountants, Inc. 212 Fargo Foods 216 Government Project Management 220 Falls Engineering 222 White Manufacturing 227 Martig Construction Company 229 Mohawk National Bank 231 5 NEGOTIATING FOR RESOURCES 235 Ducor Chemical 237

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Effects Of Adhd On The Life Of An Individual - 1456 Words

Using your textbook and the article above, construct 2 8-sentence paragraphs summarizing what you read. In the article entitled, â€Å"The effects of ADHD on the life of an individual, their family, and community from preschool to adult life†, provided by the Archives of Disease in Childhood, talks about the individual stages of a person suffering from ADHD. The stages beginning from childhood and continue on to adolescence and lastly adult life. Every stage is very different from the next. As children in preschool, â€Å"in this age group there is often unusually poor intensity of play and excessive motor restlessness.† So they lack being playful but they excessively talk maybe interrupting the teacher or someone that is an authority figure. Their behavior opposes those of societal norms like breaking the rules in a classroom. Their social skills lack as they keep to themselves so not much interaction with others. It is important that when teachers notice a difference in the student’s behavior to immediately inform the parents that way parents can be more so invol ved with the child. Parents might encounter huge amounts of stress even strain on their marriage when finding out about their child, but with the help of teachers and outside sources parents will be better able to meet the demands of the child. In the first years of schooling children with normal learning abilities will surpass those with ADHD, but if the teacher is actively involved with those students with ADHD (338) theyShow MoreRelatedAttention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd )1664 Words   |  7 Pageshyperactive disorder (ADHD), is a neurobehavioral disorder of the brain. Textbooks typically depict an individual with ADHD as one who is inattentive, highly distractible, unable to contain stimuli, disorganized and exhibits excessive motor activity (Townsend Morgan, 2017, p. 636). It is easy to define a person by their impulsivity; however, it is difficult to try and understand the reasons behind the behavioral patterns that come along with this disorder. Blake Taylor, in h is book, ADHD Me, offers aRead MoreMisunderstood Minds: ADHAD in College Students1434 Words   |  6 PagesDisorder, generally known as ADHD can be described as having a nonstop conversation with yourself. Constant racing thoughts, changing from one thing to another, not needing coffee because you already have a buzzed. Instead of walking, you are running. Standing in line for one minute feels like five hours. Always on the go and never looking back because, it would cause you to slow down. Imagine that always happening and not being able to control any of it. Unfortunately, this effects two to eight percentRead MoreEssay on Overview of ADHD1063 Words   |  5 PagesDisorder, otherwise known as ADHD, is the most common psychiatric condition effecting 9.5% of school-aged children in the United States (intuniv, 2013). If the disorder goes untreated, it will cause more long-term side effects and difficulties for the individual as an adult. Adults who have this condition face severa l adversities in every day life, such as impulsive behavior, low self-esteem and poor work performance. People are not aware of the complications that come with ADHD in adults. Not knowingRead MoreWhat Is Adhd?. Adhd Stands For Attention Deficit Hyperactivity1564 Words   |  7 PagesWhat is ADHD? ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is also called ADD for short. ADHD is a brain disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and hyperactivity that interferes with the everyday life of a person. This developmental impairment of the brain’s self-management system includes problems with motivation, focusing on tasks and monitoring emotions to fit any given environment (Frank). According to the article, ADHD by the Numbers: Facts, Statistics, and YouRead MoreThe Ethical Issues Surrounding Cognitive Enhancers1232 Words   |  5 Pagesalertness is caffeine, which is contained in tea, coffee and many fizzy drinks (Bostrom and Sandberg, 2009). Other cognitive enhancers used today include Ritalin (Methylphenidate), which is used to treat ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Ritalin was developed to help treat those diagnosed with ADHD as it improves attention and motivation, however many â€Å"ordinary† people take the drug to imp rove their cognitive ability. Although, there are many ethical issues surrounding cognitive enhancers whichRead MoreLearning to Cope with ADHD as an Adult Learner Essay1244 Words   |  5 PagesLearning to Cope with ADHD as an Adult Learner Typically when one hears the term â€Å"ADHD† and the potential negative effects that it could have on someone striving towards academic success, they immediately think school age children. Though it is more common for children to be diagnosed and treated, 5% of U.S. adults are living with this condition (American Psychiatric Association, 2012). First ADHD must be defined before coping methods can be explained. ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactive DisorderRead MoreAttention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Essay1474 Words   |  6 Pagescrossing the street without looking, and making decision that you don’t completely analyze. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can make a person’s everyday life more difficult, but this does not only apply to the one diagnosed. Living with someone with ADHD or even being friends with someone with ADHD can have an effect on a person’s life. From the patients impulsive actions, all the way to their inability to p ay attention to what someone is saying can affect everyone around them. Attention DeficitRead MoreThe Most Successful People With Adhd1741 Words   |  7 Pageswrites that individuals diagnosed with ADHD experiencing symptoms in a more severity more frequently and their symptoms directly affect their functions at school or work. (4) I would argue that in some cases the heightened symptoms these individuals deal with are the same symptoms that any one individual deals with throughout their life. There are certainly those individuals that thrive because of these symptoms. Elite Daily wrote an article titled The 10 Most Successful People With ADHD these individualRead MoreEssay about Medication versus Alternative Therapy in ADHD955 Words   |  4 PagesMedication versus Alternative therapy in ADHD When dealing with adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD may become a challenge for many parents. Knowing the facts about this disorder and how to treat the problem is the key to a healthy lifestyle for adolescents as well as families. Many therapies and medications are available to families with children with ADHD but many questions that parents have with their children with ADHD is which therapy is best and what would workRead MoreAttention Deficit / Hyperactive Disorder923 Words   |  4 PagesBesjakov, Karlsson, 2010). A child with ADHD may show signs of restlessness, easily distracted, difficulty with organization, being physically active, and many more. ADHD has become a development disorder for many because many of the symptoms can cause behavioral, educational, and social problems for the child. There is no actually medical cause of ADHD but there are many factors that can play a role in if a child will develop ADHD. A history of ADHD in parents and family can be a strong predictor

Friday, December 13, 2019

Company Financial Analysis Essay Free Essays

Emirates Computers Name: Instructor: Task: Date: Calculate the three (3) liquidity, five (5) financial leverage, six (6) turnover and four (4) profitability ratios for all the years as per example 3. 5 in the PowerPoint presentations. Liquidity; Current ratio=current assets/current liabilities 2010:29021/19483=1. We will write a custom essay sample on Company Financial Analysis Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now 49 2011:24245/18960=1. 28 Quick ratio= (current assets- inventories)/current liabilities 2010: (29021-1301)/19483=1. 42 2011: (24245-1051)/18960=1. 22 Cash ratio=cash/current liabilities 2010:13913/19483=0. 71 2011:10635/18960=0. 6 Financial leverage; Total debt ratio= (total assets-total equity)/total assets 2010: (29021-7766)/29021=0. 73 2011: (24245-5641)/24245=0. 77 Debt equity ratio=total debt/total equity 2010: 30833/7766=3. 97 2011: 28011/5641=4. 97 Equity multiplier=total assets/total equity 2010:29021/7766=3. 74 2011:24245/5641=4. 29 Turnover; Inventory turnover=cost of goods sold/inventory 2010:49128/1301=37. 76 2011:42789/1051=40. 71 Days sales inventory=365/inventory 2010:365/1301=0. 28 2011:365/1051=0. 35 Receivables turnover=sales/account receivables 010:61494/10136=6. 07 2011:52902/8543=6. 19 Days sales in receivables=365/receivables turn over 2010:365/10136=0. 04 2011:365/8543=0. 04 Total assets turn over=sales/total assets 2010:61494/38599=1. 59 2011:52902/33652=1. 57 Capital intensity=total assets/ sales 2010:38599/61494=0. 63 2011:33562/52902=0. 63 Profitability ratios; Profit margin=net income/sales 2010:2635/61494=0. 04 2011:1433/52902=0. 09 Return on assets=net income/total assets 2010:2635/38599=0. 31 2011:1433/33652=0. 04 Return on equity=net income/total equity 2010:2635/7766=0. 4 2011:1433/5641=0. 25 Emirates Computer products and services bring revenue from its sales. Revenues from January 2010 to January 2011 were about 16% that is an increase from the previous years. This was mainly because of the recovery in the economy. A company’s economic health is critical because the products it sells are not primary products and therefore people prefer buying food than spending money to acquire a computer. This explains the reasons to why there was a decline in revenue for the year 2009, which was about 13. % drop in comparison to the previous years. 2010 has reported an increase and this is due to a change in the strategies involved in the business. The revenue stream of the company has changed due to the solution and services that Emirates Computers has put in place. The service revenue has shown a tremendous increase over the years. There has been a gradual appreciation from 14. 3% of revenue in January to about 18. 7%of revenue in January 2011. There has been a profitable growth of 25% in 2010 and a growth of about 5% in the year 2009. The percentage of revenue for the past three year has been due to cost of goods and services, which has shown a relative growth. Expenses like selling and administrative expenses and other expenses have been constant for over three years. There was an increase on intangible assets in addition to other costs. This is because of an increase on intangible assets from the Perot systems in 2010. The increase in facility action costs and severance was because of closure of some facilities that manufacturers used in addition to using contract manufactures to provide cheaper services. The company has shown increase in values because of its stability in percentage revenues because the company has good management, which understands the business, and controls their costs. The company is well informed, they understand every detail that may challenge it operation, and therefore they never encounter surprises that may negatively influence them. The company has registered an excellent net income in the year 2011 which showed an increase of over 80% from the years before. Return on assets is 2. 5 % and profit margin is 1. 6%, which come because of the increase in net income. Additionally the growth in the company has been because of higher revenues and a good cost control. The change in the company’s way of operation has led to the increase in net income. The services of operation of this company have increased as compared to the cost of manufacturing the product. The acquisition of the Perot systems led to the decrease in net income to 42. 2 % in 2010. Health wise the company has shown progress and therefore Emirates Computers has plans to keep expanding its services to a higher level, which will eventually help the company (Peterson Fabozzi, 2012). There has been an increase on the current assets as compared to previous year from 72% to 75% in the year 2011. The company has recognized all highly liquid investments such as credit cards from banks with a three month original maturities. These because there was increase in cash provided by operations while a decrease in cash in investing activities. The decrease in cash in investing activities is mainly because of lack of material they are important for acquisitions in 2011 as compared to 2010. Generally, the company has portrayed a good fiscal year and their good health. It indicates an improvement in the ability to generate profits and income. The company has shown efficiency and effectiveness in because all the three Profitability ratios that involve profit margin, return on assets and return on equity. The company has a qualified auditor who analyses the financial statement of accounts of the company. Although at one point, the auditor gave an unqualified opinion concerning its financial statements. This is evident when analyzing the property plant equipment account, which is not very heavy in the balance sheet. The only representation is only 5. 1% assets own by Emirates Computers. Another aspect that the company has shown strength in is its Liquidity. The company current assets increased while its current liabilities and the current ratio and quick ration showed an increase from 1. 2% and 1. 22% in 2010 to 1. 49% and 1. 42%. Current liabilities on a dollar remained stable. Nevertheless, the increase in total assets, led to the decrease in current liabilities to 5. 8 %. All changes made Emirates Computers to be liquid and this gave it a boost and an advantage thus indicating good health. The company’s equity of stakeholders increased to about 2 billion dollars (Fridson Alvarez, 2011). This is because of the increase as are suit of earnings retained. In the year 2010 – 2011 return on equity (ROE) rose from 28. 8% to 39. 3% in 2011 while net income increased greater the stakeholders equity. Therefore, Emirates Computers makes profit with the stock price variation because it does not pay dividends (Tracy, 2009). Conclusively, the purpose of Emirates Computers Company is mainly to offset gains and losses that resulted from their exposure on contract. This reduces volatility of the earnings in addition to protecting the values of assets and liabilities. Emirates Computers carries out assessments in order to ensure effectiveness both at the beginning of hedge and at regular intervals in order to pinpoint out any ineffectiveness that might occur. Reference Peterson, P. P. , Fabozzi, F. J. (2012). Analysis of Financial Statements. Hoboken: John Wiley amp; Sons. Tracy, J. A. (2009). How to read a financial report: Wringing vital signs out of the numbers. Hoboken, N. J: John Wiley Sons. Fridson, M. S. , Alvarez, F. (2011). Financial statement analysis: A practitioner’s guide. Hoboken, N. J: Wiley. How to cite Company Financial Analysis Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Best Buy Management

Question: What isBest Buy? Explain. Answer: Best buy is an american multinational corporation that deals in consumer electronics and goods. The company has its headquarters in richfield, minnesota while it operates in the united states, canada and mexico. The company was founded in 1966 as an audio speciality store by richard m. Schulze and gary smoliak and shifted its focus towards consumer electronics during 1983. Recently, in 2011, the company closed all its stores in china and merged them with five star. The company deals in a variety of consumer electronics and merchandise, such as software, video games, smartphones, video cameras, digital cameras, home appliances, etc. In a non-commissioned sales environment. The company has a workforce of almost 125,000 employees and has around 1,050 stores throughout the world. The company earned revenue of $42.568 billion in 2016 ("about best buy - best buy corporate news and information", 2016). The company has been criticised by the customers on a number of grounds, such as pricing and warranty issues but the company has been following ethical and green business practices since quite some time. The company is one of the many large companies that were criticised for purchasing raw material from companies that were causing unethical deforestation of taiga in canada. Since then, the company launched a greener together program, which was aimed at increasing the energy efficiency of its products and stores so that the company could play its role in saving the environment. The company is one of the top 50 companies that use green power. In 2011, best buy purchased around 119 million kilowatt-hours of green energy that was generated from renewable sources of energy. Best buy structural changes One of the major concerns for the company has been the rising competition in the industry. The company has been facing a lot of stiff competition from a number of companies, such as amazon, which operates throughout the world and is dominating the online retailing industry since quite some time. To meet with the increasing competition and to bring down the operating costs, the management at best buy has been restructuring and cutting down its workforce since a long time. The company has been shaking down the structures of its workforce, including some senior level managers, so that it can become more competitive and can strengthen its market position in the years to come. One of the biggest structural changes that the company has ever introduced was seen in the year 2014. The company shook up its entire workforce when the rumours about the company laying off thousands of employees came out in the media. Earlier, the company had introduced a great leadership change in the year 2012, w hen it also closed some of its stores ("best buy canada to close stores, cut jobs in restructuring", 2016). Best buy co. Inc., in 2012, made an announcement about a change in the leadership of its united states operations, which also included the departure of two senior executives who had been working for a very long time with the company. The people who were being replaced were mike vitelli, who had been leading the companys us business since 2010 and tim sheehan, the executive vice president of the companys us operations (market, n.d.). The company also announced that its united states business would be divided into two channels, which were online and retail. The two new heads who were appointed to look after the channels were stephen gillett, president of digital and marketing, taking control of the online channel and shawn score, head of the companys connectivity business group was made the head of the retail channel. A number of sources thus reveal that the company has been struggling a lot in meeting the challenges posed by the increasing competition and needs to introduce an effecti ve change to deal with the problems ("forbes welcome", n.d.). Designing a change program Best buy is a company that had incredible results in the past but with the increase and rise in the industry competition, the company lost its business to big market players. The company is still struggling and facing a lot of problems in facing the stiff market competition and has been downsizing its workforce in order to reduce the operational costs and become more effective (sag, 2014). It is evident that the company requires a major change in its structure and operational activities so that it would be able to become more competitive in the year to come. Some sources also show that best buy was able to experience improvements in their financial outputs after they started laying off their employees but the reasons behind the improvement were not just related to employee layoffs. The improved financial outputs were due to launch of new gaming consoles, high demand for smartphones and latest led tvs, which shows that best buy could not achieve the desired results even after laying odd thousands of employees and changing the leaders of the organisation, which is one of the biggest form of change for any company ("forbes welcome", n.d.). Let us discuss a change program that would help the company in reviving its market position: First of all, the company needs to restructure its organisation from top to bottom. The company has been struggling with its organisational structure, which is evident from the fact that it has been changing its senior level executives and has been laying off thousands of employees year after year. The tendency of the company to lay off employees regularly fosters fear amongst the workforce that they might be laid off during the next downsizing. Such practices do not foster a good work environment. Therefore, the company needs to carefully analyse its human resource requirements and should try to keep only as many number of employees as are required for the proper running of operations. The downsizing should be done only once, rather than doing it year after year, and the workforce that is laid off should be properly compensated for being laid off. Once the company is able to maintain adequate workforce, it would not have to spend additional operating expenses in maintaining a larger workforce, which is not even required. Secondly, the company needs to think of a paying scheme that would allow the company to pay variable salaries to the employees, rather than paying them fixed salaries. As the company is into consumer electronics sales business, the company can implement a variable pay scheme for some employees, if not all. This would greatly help the company in cutting down the operating costs as it would not have to pay higher salaries when the sales go down. The strategy would also help the company in increasing employee engagement as they would try to work harder to earn higher salaries. The company accounts for almost one third of all the us consumer electronic purchases and is losing its market share quickly. It would not be wrong to anticipate that the company will lose all its business to the competition in the years to come. The sole reason behind the downfall of the company is that more and more retail stores are entering into the market and are increasing the competition. With the spread of apple retail stores across the world, the company further suffered a great loss in its business. One of the urgent changes that the company needs to introduce is to tie up with more and more electronic brands and introduce more products in its stores ("forbes welcome", n.d.). The company should be challenging the market competitors in terms of both price and variety. The company needs to change its strategy and lay a greater focus on pricing strategies as customers these days are looking for cheaper products. According to some resources, it has been found that the customers use best buy as a showroom to check prices of products while they make the final purchase from other online retailers, such as amazon. Multinational companies, such as wal-mart, amazon, etc. Have been able to capture the market by keeping their prices low and sticking to aggressive market strategies. Best buy too needs to regain its confidence and rather than focusing upon reducing operational costs by laying off employees, the company should now change its strategic focus and adopt strategies that would help it in providing better quality products at cheaper prices. Change agents and organisational culture The company is facing a critical situation where its business is at high risk due to increasing market competition. In such a scenario, a wrong step would do more harm to the company than the potential benefits of a successful change or strategy. Therefore, it becomes necessary for the management to carefully plan its moves, especially when it comes to downsizing of the organisation. The company needs to involve a number of change agents that would help the management in bringing about the change that it is planning to introduce. One of the

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Sex Education Essay Example

Sex Education Essay The Role of Sex Education in Opposing the Effects of Pornography Agramon, Krizia Anne Enriquez, Astro Jake Galang, Gino George Ocampo, Soleandrea 4CLM Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements In English 04 (Research Methods and Application) College of Arts and Sciences San Beda College Mendiola, Manila APPROVAL SHEET The thesis attached hereto, entitled â€Å"The Role of Sex Education in Opposing the Effects of Pornography†, prepared and submitted by Krizia Anne Agramon, Astro Jake Enriquez, Gino George Galang, and Soleandrea Ocampo, in partial fulfillment of the requirements in English 04 (Research Methods and Application) is hereby accepted. Carissa C. Cabaysa Thesis Adviser DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The researchers wish to extend their heartfelt gratitude to the following persons: ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS Approval Sheetp. 2 Dedicationp. 3 Acknowledgementp. Abstractp. 5 Table of Contentsp. 6-8 List of Tables and Figuresp. 9 CHAPTER I: Introductionp. Background of the Studyp. Statement of the Problemp. Significance of the Studyp. Scope and Delimitation of the Studyp. CHAPTER II: Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworkp. Review of Related Literaturep. Sex Educationp. Philippine Sexualityp. A Brief History of Sex Education in the Philippinesp. Recent Legislation and Related Current Eventsp. Stand of Parents in Implementing Sex Educationp. Stand of the Church in Implementing Sex Educationp. We will write a custom essay sample on Sex Education specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Sex Education specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Sex Education specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Stand of Educators inImplementing Sex Educationp. Pornographyp. Conceptual Frameworkp. Research Hypothesisp. Definition of Termsp. CHAPTER III: Methodologyp. Research Designp. Sources of Datap. Data Gathering Instrumentsp. Data Gathering Proceduresp. Data Analysis Procedurep. CHAPTER IV: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Datap. Introductionp. CHAPTER V: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendationsp. Summaryp. Conclusionp. Recommendationsp. Referencesp. Appendicesp. LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Chapter I INTRODUCTION Background of the Study In light of the talks and debates in 2010 about the Reproductive Health Bill and the action of the Department of Education to adopt sex education in school curricula, people have been clamoring various actions to enforce the ideals of this bill, to protest the bill itself, and prevent the implementation of sex education classes. According to Rep. Edcel Lagman (2010) in his article in the Philippine Daily Inquirer, one of the aims of the Reproductive Health Bill is to provide sexual education. The effect of these sex education classes on adolescent’s view of the morality of pornography is the primary concern of the research. Pornography, as far as the researchers know, is an actuation that is present in the life of adolescent males and females. Pornography is rampant in media (print and electronic), and thus gains wide audiences and adolescents are able to obtain such pornographic materials easily. Media is increasingly getting more space in the lives of our youth. Children these days learn sex on media. Most children are already knowledgeable about sex through various print and electronic media. (Calasagsag, 1996) This finding is supported by the YAFS 3, which reported mass media as the new surrogate parent (2000 State of the Philippine Population Report 2nd Edition : PINOY YOUTH: Making Choices, Building Voices ,Commission of Population). The McCann-Erickson study (2000) found that the media has become the determining factor to what is perceived as right, wrong, and important. Among the youths from and living in the NCR are those who show highest prevalence of exposure to pornography. Statistics reveal that 69 percent have been exposed to pornographic materials; while 49 percent have read printed pornographic literature. There has been an alarming growth in the rate of teenage pregnancies over the past years. In response to this, sex education has been implemented in schools. According to Department of Education (2010), sex education covers topics such as â€Å"reproductive systems and cycles, hygiene, pre-marital sex,  teenage pregnancy  and sexually transmitted diseases. However, the government, through the Department of Education is taking a drastic step by introducing the sex education program to public school pupils. The sex education modules are to be pilot tested in some 79 public secondary schools and 80 elementary schools (Grades V and VI) across the country. This action has met opposition in the form of the Church which believes that sex education promotes promiscuity among children† and that it â€Å"should strictly remain a family affair. The Church is the most vocal about its dissent in the implementation of the latest sex education module released by DepEd in 2006. It is to be noted that sex education has been part of the curriculum of some Catholic schools during the past years but it does not dwell only on the human reproduction system. The opposition of the Church is not sex education per se but the contents of the latest module. Released in June 2006, Quitorio said the new module focused on reproduction and not on the totality of sexuality, which makes a bad impression (Sex Education Long Been Taught in Catholic schools: Prelate, Manila Sun Star). Furthermore, he said that the module advocates and promotes the use of contraceptives among the youth. DepEd, on the other hand, maintained that the module only seeks to educate the students on sexuality and to guide them so as to prevent early pregnancy and the possibility of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) through unprotected sex. If sex education can be effective in battling the negative implications of exposure to pornography to adolescents, then as such the morality and the sacredness of the sexual intercourse will be strengthened and will redound to the benefit of the educated person. Yet there is still a need to prove that sex education is beneficial in preventing the negative effects of exposure to pornography. There are already some private educational institutions who have included in their curricula sex education or some of its integral topics in their GMRC and Theology classes. Some of the schools which included sex education in its curricula are San Beda College – Mendiola, Manila, and U. P. Integrated School – Diliman, and Arellano University High School. However, conservatist schools such as O. B. Montessori School have already removed sex education in their curricula after having it in their curriculum for a year, or are hesitant in including sex education in their curricula. The Arellano University has the rationale that they will train students to be effective teachers by: familiarizing them with problems relative to teaching and their solutions; providing direct and vicarious experience through in-campus and  off-campus teaching; and acquainting them with the worthwhile values of the Filipino culture and the strategies and  means by which these may be implemented on children and the youth. They also have the objectives of developing students who may be future leaders not only in the academe but also in the community and the nation through: experience in curricular and extra-curricular activities; involvement and participation in organization, workshop,  conferences, seminars, etc. ; contribution to national development goals, through self help  and social service projects; and transmission, preservation, and enrichment of the national heritage (Arellano University website, 2010). The O. B. Montessori School has rationale of a high school student definitely equipped with a stable and strong foundation of education. In most cases, â€Å"graduates† happily succeed in college life and adapt easily to the demands of college workload. Unlike other graduates who tend to be dependent and inhibited, Montessori students enter college with confidence, concentration, and strong values and spiritual beliefs. The third stage of development from 13-18 years is the adolescent stage when valorization of personality occurs as the individual prepares to enter adulthood by acquiring confidence. This is the period when emotion, no longer intelligence, becomes operational in his preparation for adult responsibility. It is characterized by great physical, emotional, psychological and social transformation when self- consciousness is heightened and requires the performing arts, sports and para-military training to transform timidity to self-confidence. The adolescent Filipino is filled with creative energy and intensely seeks economic independence. The O. B. Montessori Professional High School program not only provides academic preparation for college but also training skills in business reinforced with leadership and civic consciousness. One of the topics included in the program is sex education (O. B. Montessori website, 2010). It is assumed by the researchers that the following facts are true: First, that sex education exists in the Philippines. There are programs and topics that are directly related to sex education that are being discussed in parts of the curricula of different schools. Second, that sex education is being implemented in private educational institutions, through topics included in the institution’s curricula. There are many private schools who have topics correlated to the ideals of sex education and the sex education per se, who have been influential in developing the mental psyche of a moral and just citizen. Third, that sex education is beneficial to Filipino teenagers. Sex education’s aim is to inform the adolescent youth about the human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse, reproductive health, emotional relations, reproductive rights and responsibilities, abstinence, contraception, and other aspects of human sexual behavior. Fourth, those Filipino teenagers are exposed to various media involving pornography. There are a plethora of various materials in media that promote pornography, be it either pictures, literary works or videos. Fifth, that the knowledge of pornography is prevalent among Filipino teenagers. It is a fact that almost all adolescent Filipinos know about pornography. Many of the youth have knowledge or a basic idea of what pornography is and where and how to access it. Sixth, that most parents are against it despite its current implementation and are actually keen on keeping â€Å"sexual topics† taboo. Many of the news articles and opinions on the current legislative actions concerning the topic of sexual education have already surfaced, and mostly all of these articles are against sex education. Seventh, that sex education is perceived society as â€Å"immoral† and actually worsening the problems it is meant to solve. Since time in memorial, religion has abhorred sex education as â€Å"its teaching actually gives the desire to act on those actions that were taught in sex education classes†. Lastly, those Filipino adolescents who have undergone sex education and are knowledgeable about pornography have used this knowledge to divert sexual activities and urges to a positive outlet. As the Filipino idea of sex education seems to be in the negative, the actual implication of the youth who have undergone sex education and have already basic knowledge about pornography is promising on the individual itself. It also harbors the idea that once a person who is educated and is knowledgeable about sexual issues, he is can distinguish what is morally correct and incorrect on how he acts. The research paper will investigate the effectiveness of sex education programs in preventing the negative effects of exposure to pornography. Its aim is to educate and guide students and other concerned people like parents and educators. It also aims to provide useful information in relation to this topic, provide meaningful analysis of the current effects of sex education to preventing pornography, and strengthen the morality of sex as an act and as a sacred rite of passage or vocation. Statement of the Problem This research paper aims to answer the following problems: 1. Is sex education effective in regulating the negative effects of exposure to pornography among Filipino teenagers in the Arellano University High School in 2010? 2. Does sex education strengthen their view of the morality of sex? 3. Is sex education effective in diverting sexual urges? 4. Does sex education generate curiosity among Filipino teenagers to engage in sexual intercourse or any other sexual activities? Significance of the Study The research will benefit mostly – the students, who are the main concern of the study and whose well-being is at stake due to the implementation or non-implementation of sex education. Secondary concern of the study are the parents and educators who are entrusted with the overall responsibility of honing the Filipino youth – intellectually, morally, and spiritually through their enforcement and implementation of certain measures which will uphold the well-being of the youth. Tertiary concern of the study are the Department of Education and the Philippine society as a whole who are the primary leaders of change and pro-activity, which can or may affect the society as a whole and thus affect the youth itself. The information that this research paper will yield is primarily beneficial to the students who will know about: a. hat are the benefits of sex education they can benefit from, b. the immorality of pornography, and c. the different viewpoints of different sectors of sex education and pornography. Their being informed of sex education, its aim, its content, its implementation and its good and bad effects will consequently benefit the students. The results that this study will yield will help parents in determining the effectiveness of sex education. It would help the parents, with teachers, in formulating the best solution for issues regarding sexuality. Also, it seeks to provide parents with a basis for critical and sound judgments regarding the issue. Relying on opinions and beliefs which are not founded on concrete evidence should not be the sole basis of parents and educators in determining whether sex education does more harm than good. They should be informed and equipped with facts in order to weigh the pros and cons of sex education. The research will help them understand the effectiveness of sex education in helping to a. reduce risk behaviors such as unprotected sex, and equip individuals to make informed decisions about their personal sexual activity, b. ontrol the body and liberation from social control, c. provide individuals with the knowledge necessary to liberate themselves from socially organized sexual oppression and to make up their own minds. It will also be helpful to administrators and educators of sex education classes and similar classes linked to sex education and its topics, to know a. if sex education curri cula break down pre-existing notions of modesty and encourage acceptance of practices that those advocating this viewpoint deem immoral, such as homosexuality and premarital sex, b. nd to teach that sexual behavior outside of marriage is immoral, so their adherents feel that this morality should be taught as part of sex education. The Department of Education may also find this material useful as a reference for the improvement of sex education. This study will help them point out the weak aspects of sex education which has already been implemented in the past. Consequently, the findings could be utilized to provide them with additional information with which to compare data from the currently implemented program. The study will help them determine what makes sex education successful or unsuccessful. Society as a whole would be able to make an informed stand based on actual data and observations. This would help them decide whether or not to support the steps taken by the government. This would help them determine whether the Church’s contention has basis. This would help society refine its current understanding of sex education that would help them cultivate updated solutions to the issues plaguing the country. Scope and Delimitation This research paper is a descriptive research paper. The main problem to be tackled is the effectiveness of sex education to counteract the exposure of Filipino teenagers to pornography. The scope would also cover some moral issues about sex education from the viewpoint of the society of the Philippines, of the government of the Philippines, and of several religious institution, more specifically the Catholic Church, using a sample of adolescent students from Arellano University High School and O. B. Montessori High School. The researchers would base their research through one-on-one interviews, random survey questionnaires and observation, the population of which are thirty students per class, totaling one hundred fifty (150) students in O. B. Montessori High School and forty students per class, totaling two hundred (200) students in Arellano University High School and the sample size of ninety (90) students in O. B. Montessori High School and one hundred twenty (120) students in Arellano University High School. The participants or the respondents are those who have and have not received sex education and are knowledgeable on pornography. They are Filipino teenagers aged 14 to 18 years of age, male or female. The scope of the paper would be limited to the Arellano University High School and the O. B. Montessori High School, Greenhills Branch in the Philippines, more specifically in Metro Manila. Data gathering for this research paper will take approximately one month. Chapter II THEORETICAL AND CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Review of Related Literature This chapter will provide useful information about sex education, pornography, and the status quo of the issues of the implementation of sex education in the Philippines. Also provided here are the concepts of sexuality for Filipinos, recent legislative laws and bills regarding sex education, and recent news articles and stories concerning sex education. Sex Education Prior to discussing sex education, as the prime matter, sexuality must be delineated in a broad-spectrum. Sex education is a broad term used to describe education about human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse, reproductive health, emotional relations, reproductive rights and responsibilities, abstinence, contraception, and other aspects of human sexual behavior. Common avenues for sex education are parents or caregivers, school programs, and public health campaigns (Sex Education, en. wikipedia. org, 2010). It is an integral part of education in most developed countries, like the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea, India and China. It is stressed in these countries that the idea of sexual education encompasses â€Å"education about all aspects of sexuality, including information about family planning, reproduction (fertilization, conception and development of the embryo and fetus, through to childbirth), plus information about all aspects of ones sexuality including: body image, sexual orientation, sexual pleasure, values, decision making, communication, dating, relationships, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and how to avoid them, and birth control method† all that is stated above, not only focusing on the physical aspect of sex nor is that sex education only talking about the totality of the sexual intercourse as an act (Sex Education, en. wikipedia. org, 2010). In Asia, the state of sex education programs is at various stages of development. Indonesia, Mongolia, South Korea have a systematic school policy framework for teaching about sex. Here in Southeast Asia, countries such as Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand have assessed adolescent reproductive health needs with a view to developing adolescent-specific training, messages and materials. Sex education, as a whole subject matter in the Philippines, is practically non-existent. Except for discussions of parents with their children regarding the â€Å"birds and the bees† and of theology and GMRC teachers with their students, the idea of sex education being implemented here in the Philippines is farfetched. Sex education, as said by Guerrero, should not be imparted with all the do’s and don’ts instead proper guidelines must be strictly implemented for the child to determine his or her own responsibilities. (Sariling Paturuan, 1982) With sex education, Guerrero posits that people who are addicted to having sex education may avoid their promiscuousness by understanding the danger and other effects of it. It is unproven whether the knowledge of sex will pollute the child’s mind. Sexual ignorance would only result to indecisiveness and even wrong decisions. As such, reproductive systems and other important sexual issues and topics are taboo and always are met with opposition. It is mainly caused by our own culture’s conservatism and being traditionalists. (Georpe, 2002. Being conservative Roman Catholics, often Filipinos think of sex education as morally incompatible with the beliefs and ideals of the Catholic Church. Sexual liberalism, often caused by sex educat ion classes makes a Filipino think that a certain individual is sexually promiscuous. While the influence of globalization became dominant, numerous Filipinos remained conservative with their sexual values. Philippine Sexuality According to Guerrero, â€Å"a part of one’s total personality is human sexuality†. It refers to the sum total of man’s animated feelings. Not only as a sexual part but as male and female. It is a life-long process commencing at birth. Basic knowledge of sex may be attained when the child grows either to manhood or womanhood (Sariiling Paturuan, 1982) Philippine Sexuality refers to the sensuality of man as professed, expressed, and respected by the Filipino people. This encompasses sexual behavior, practices, and activities exhibited by Filipino men and women of history and of current. Filipino Sexuality seems to have been affected by education, media and even by technological advancements. But despite its immediate dispersion, legislative procedures primarily involving regulations were promulgated to grant prominence that sexual acts should happen only within the framework of marriage between a man and a woman, because this personal human expression is sturdily associated with the family unit and with the society as a whole. As a predominantly Christian country, the Philippines considers that the only sexual behavior morally and legally acceptable and appropriate is heterosexual intercourse within a monogamous marriage, with the exception of polygamous marriage as practiced by some Filipino minority groups and by Muslim communities in the Mindanao, southern, and southwestern regions of the Philippines, as long as the men of these population are financially capable of supporting their multiple wives. Sex Education in the Philippines: A Brief History Long before the arrival of the first group of Spaniards in the Philippine islands on the shores of Cebu, under the leadership of Ferdinand Magellan, ancient native Filipinos already had their own sexual and relationship practices. One of them is the carrying out of polygamy. Early Filipino tribal men had five or more wives, a marital ethnic norm of the archipelago at the time. In addition to this, about more than one thousand years ago, the Filipino Ifugao people of northern central Philippines already had well-established values on marriage and sexuality. Prior to 1969, sex education in the Philippines was non-existent. Instructions were limited only to discussions on pregnancy and childcare within the confines of the family unit, specifically between female members of the home. Outside the family or the home setting, available informal information – in the form of television and radio programs, illegal adult or sex publications, and the like – was imprecise, flawed, or deficient. After the World Health Organization and the Philippine governments introduction of programs on family planning and birth/conception control in the past years, suburban and rural Philippine communities received training in these programs, with instructions on basic biology, pregnancy, and contraception that focused on the use of birth control pills. This program was clandestinely sustained by the Roman Catholic Church to reduce the familys burden of child rearing because of poverty It was only in the late 1970s when Philippine high schools and colleges began to include teachings related to public health, sexually transmitted diseases, and limited information on human reproduction and human sexuality in the curriculum for science courses, such as biology. The limitation was truncated by the Filipino tradition of not explicitly mentioning or showing images of the male and female sex organs even for educational purposes. In 1972, DepEd already had a module for sex education aimed towards teaching sex education and population development concepts to elementary and high school students. These were integrated into the curricula of appropriate year levels. The module was adapted as a model by other Asian countries which includes Thailand, Japan and China. The 1994 sex education module was revised into â€Å"Lesson Plan of Adolescent Reproductive Health. † It tacked premarital sex and STD. In the year 2000, a review and revision by DepEd was conducted for the purpose of adapting to the changing times. This was done together with the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines. During the Arroyo administration in 2006, the trial run of a sex education program in Metro Manila did not prosper due to the objection of CBCP which argued that its introduction to public schools will encourage teenagers to engage in sex. (DepEd Set to Launch Sex Education in Public Schools, www. inquirer. net, 2008). Recent Legislation and Related Current Events In 2004, Rep. Lagman’s bill on Reproductive Health Bill was a hot topic, pushing for mandatory implementation of sex education among students from grade 5 to 4th year high school. Critics of Lagman, especially Dr. Junice Melgar said that â€Å"You can’t just teach and push for abstinence before marriage. It might send a wrong signal to the youth and increase the incidence of premarital sex if you use reverse psychology. † (Barrinuevo et al, 2004. ) In light of the recent talks and debates about the Reproductive Health Bill, people have been clamoring various actions to enforce the ideals of this bill. The Reproductive Health Bill is a conglomerate of House Bill No. 17 authored by Rep. Edcel Lagman, House Bill No. 812 authored by Rep. Janette Garin, Senate Bill No. 40 authored by Sen. Rodolfo Biazon and Senate Bill No. 43 authored by Sen. Panfilo Lacson who are members of the House of Representatives and the Senate of the 14th Congress of the Philippines (senate. gov. ph, 2010). According to Rep. Edcel Lagman in his article in the Philippine Daily Inquirer, one of the aims of the Reproductive Health Bill is to provide sexual education (Philippine Daily Inquirer, Jan. 16, 2010). â€Å"Reproductive health education in an age-appropriate manner shall be taught by adequately trained teachers from Grade 5 to 4th year high school. As proposed in the bill, core subjects include responsible parenthood, natural and modern family planning, proscription and hazards of abortion, reproductive health and sexual rights, abstinence before marriage, and responsible sexuality. † Moreover, â€Å"Sexuality education will neither spawn â€Å"a generation of sex maniacs† nor breed a culture of promiscuity. Age-appropriate RH education promotes correct sexual values. It will not only instill consciousness of freedom of choice but also responsible exercise of one’s rights. The UN and countries which have youth sexuality education document its beneficial results: understanding of proper sexual values is promoted; early initiation into sexual relations is delayed; abstinence before marriage is encouraged; multiple-sex partners are [sic] avoided; and spread of sexually transmitted diseases is prevented. † According to the DepEd, from implementing Memorandum No. 261, which integrates sex education in the curriculum for private and public schools, adopting the sex education plan will fast-track moral decay among young people who are exposed to sex at an early age. While curiosity is normal for young people, it is still the primary responsibility of the parents and families to inform their children about sex. † (DepEd Memorandum No. 261, 2010). Discussions will focus on the science of reproduction, physical care and hygiene, correct v alues and the norms of interpersonal relations to avoid premarital sex and teenage pregnancy. The topics integrated into the modules will be scientific and informative and are not designed to titillate prurient interest. In Science, sex education topics will cover the reproductive system, parts of the body, reproductive cycle, and puberty. Under Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP), proper behavior among and between peers of different genders will be discussed. In Health classes under MAPEH (Music, Arts, PE and Health), personal hygiene and reproductive health will be part of the lessons. In Heograpiya, Kasaysayan, at Sibika (HEKASI) classes, discussion will include the position of religion on premarital sex and the norms when people of opposite sex interact. Finally, in Math classes, data on issues like premarital sex, teenage pregnancy, and sexually transmitted infections will be used in studying mathematical analysis and statistics. Starting this year 2010, sex education will be integrated in regular subjects including science, health, English and physical education, said Assistant Education Secretary Teresita Inciong, who is heading the project funded by the U. N. Population Fund. (Teves, Boston News. 2010) The World Health Organization, UNICEF, and UNESCO also had worked on guidelines about sex education, with the aim of improving awareness of sexuality. They suggest for example that masturbation be discussed between 5 to 8 year old and in detail between 9 to 12 years old. (Editorial: Sex education, 2009) The Stand of the Parents in the Implementation of Sex Education As O’Brien said in his book Sex Character Education, â€Å"instructions which are formal should preferably be given privately and must in furtherance be supplemented by providing proper exercise. All the ways, by which a child can be taught, nothing compares in effectiveness with the personal example of the parents. Among all the ways of indirect instruction good literature is the most effective. Any sex instruction which ignores the education of the emotions is considered defective and useless. Since it cannot absorb nor have deep intellectual interest, enthusiasm and proper knowledge could not be gained well. † (1980) O’Brien continues by adding that â€Å"parents have the primary and fundamental obligation of explaining sex to their offspring. Having to neglect it means having robbed from their children an important part of their birthright. Hence, it could also lead to confusion and misconceptions that are detrimental to their psychological being. They are first to explain the meaning of sex because their child trusts them as they trust no others. † He posits though, â€Å"the law of nature are as clear as crystal, that parents are naturally circumstanced to talk about the given matter, only a few could fulfill this primary duty. † Guerrero continues this thought by saying that â€Å"parents tend to be embarrassed when faced with problems related to sex lives of their children. They show much fear and anxiety over such topics and as such punish their children for acts they thought were innocent. † (Sariling Paturuan, 1982) Guerrero then states that parents must avoid seeing sex as a way to control and suppress sexual expression. Sex education should be concentrated on providing necessary information to avoid confusion and ignorance. Parents must never give the impression that they deprive their children the right to sexual knowledge or the proper sexual activity. Parents who are against the implementation of the sex education program launched petitions against DepEd Memo No. 261 which is â€Å"a sex-ed initiative in the Philippines supported by the U. N. † Their argument was that â€Å"the legislation is unconstitutional as it violates the primary rights of parents to develop the moral character of their children. † Furthermore, they argued that â€Å"it was unnecessary for children as young as nine to be taught about reproductive health† (Parents in Philippines Objecting to Sex Education Program Targeting Children, www. catholicnewsagency. com, 2010). Even parents in the U Sex Education Essay Example Sex Education Essay When thinking of education, many people automatically think of going to school and learning math, English, history, and science, but education Is more than Just going to school. According to www. Webster. Com, the website for the Miriam-Webster dictionary, education is defined as the action or process of educating or of being educated. Webster describes educate as 1 a: to provide schooling for 2 a: to develop mentally, morally, or aesthetically especially by instruction b: to provide with information. By looking at these definitions people can be educated on many Ideas ND subjects, not Just those that are standard to school. When people think of sex education, some believe It Is the act of teaching how to have sex. In some cases this may be true depending on the literature someone reads or by the person doing the educating. If peers are doing the teaching, they may learn the act of sex and the sensations. If parents are doing the teaching, they may focus more on the moral and relig ious aspects of having sex. But, when looking at sex education from a scholastic approach, schools teach youth about the other things that are associated with sex. Sex education in school is designed to help teach youth about the other aspects of sex not the actual act of having it. This type of education teaches youth about the process of puberty, such as how the body visually changes and how a person emotionally changes. It also teaches, depending on the school and instructor, about checking the body and asking questions when something seems unusual. Sex education may delve more Into different diseases, such as cancer and sexually transmitted diseases, that a person may get and how to spot them. Sex education Is also designed to talk to youth about the effects of having sex, such as getting pregnant. It may also get into the idea of how to cope with peer pressure, which may help not only with sex, but also when youth are approached about drugs and alcohol. There are many views regarding who should teach sex education tooth. We will write a custom essay sample on Sex Education specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Sex Education specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Sex Education specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Many people feel this should be left completely up to the parents to teach, and others feel this type of education should be a collaborated effort from both parents and schools. By allowing schools to assist In educating youth about sex education, they will learn ore than just what parents teach, and may help dispel any myths about sex. Schools are designed to research and receive information based more on what physically happens and the different types of changes that happen to the body, whereas parents may not do the research and perhaps will only talk about their experiences. Schools should be Involved In teaching youth about sex education. Schools decided to start teaching sex education to youth many years ago, not only in the united States, but in many other countries. Schools offer health classes to teach youth about the human body in general. At some point a decision was made that schools should teach sex education to make sure youth received proper information about their bodies, both male and female, and how their bodies change over time. Schools teach students about puberty, which the Miriam-Webster online dictionary describes as the condition of being or the period of becoming first first occurrence of menstruation in the female. Additionally, Miriam-Webster states that the ages for boys and girls to reach puberty is legally construed as ages fourteen and twelve respectively, which is when youth are going into Junior high school. At the time in youths lives when their bodies are changing and they have questions on why, some youth have a hard time talking to parents about what is happening to them. Some parents may have a hard time discussing all the changes their child is going through, because they are not sure of the information, are unsure about how to talk about it, or do not have time to talk to their children. Youth may come up with questions that parents may not know the answer to or may not want to discuss. There are many people who feel No one can talk clearly about a subject if theyre not sure of the facts. And faced by their childrens questions, many parents find theyre not quite sure of the facts as they thought they were (Keener 37). When youth are entering Junior high, they need information about their changing bodies and a school classroom is a great place to get this information. Schools are designed to research subjects of all kinds, and have instructors who are familiar and are able to answer different types of questions, or if they are not sure of the answers, are knowledgeable enough to find answers for their students. Many schools try to build their sex education curriculum to discuss the changes in the body, such as: the increasing amount of hair on the body, more sweating, and certain aspects of their body getting bigger. Many teachers try to get the students to ask questions about what is happening and what may happen to them as they age, both physically and mentally. Youth also go through many psychological changes during puberty, such as mood swings. If youth are not given the proper information and enough information about their bodies, they may feel that what they are going through is strange and not supposed to happen at all. When schools teach about body development, they are able to teach students bout checking themselves for anything unusual. When students learn about how their bodies should change and look as they age, they are then able to check themselves. One thing that some sex education courses may get into is cancer. When they discuss cancer, they talk about how students need to check their bodies, either on their own or with a doctor, for any unusual bumps. Many young girls are already aware of breast cancer from television, but most boys are not aware of testicular cancer. Sex education courses can get more in depth about the different places cancer can occur and how to check for them. Unless a parent is familiar with different cancers, how is a child to learn about them? As youth go through their lives they experience many types of peer pressure, from friends and other people trying to get them to drink alcohol, do drugs, or even steal. One thing that most youth go through is pressure about having sex. Sex is an overpowering force in society; sex is portrayed on television, in music, and in books. Ann Chairman says Childrens culture, once surrounded only by comics, and radio, now is inundated with sexual images and messages many of which suggest that the ore casual, reckless, and even exploitative sex is the more pleasurable (CTD. N Learn 136). Since sex is everywhere, some youth feel they have to participate in sex to be cool. Both adults and youth may be pressured into having sex, or participate in the saying if you love me you will sleep with me. The people being pressured go through feelings of if I dont have sex with this person then they may not stay with me or if I do have sex with this person everyone may think that I am easy. Government, a nd many parents, think that all that a child needs to do is say no, but they forget what peer pressure was like at a young age. Adults have a hard enough time saying no to sex and sexual activities, but adolescents who are not taught that it is K to say no, and the different ways to say no, will struggle to do so. People of all ages want to be liked and accepted with the in crowds, and will do many things to be classified in that crowd, things such as drinking, doing drugs, smoking cigarettes, and even having sex. When talking to youth about peer pressure, teachers are able to advise youth about counselors and people they can talk to should they need assistance. Schools also try to teach youth to respect themselves and their feelings, ND that if they are not comfortable in having sex, whether it is with that specific person or Just not ready at all, that it is K to say no; and when someone says no to respect the other persons wishes. When people choose to have sex there is a possibility of the female becoming pregnant. When teachers discuss pregnancy during sex education they generally start by talking about the ways to prevent pregnancy. The first and most common prevention method is abstinence. Many parents and lawmakers prefer that abstinence be the only method discussed, while others prefer the abstinence plus or impressive method. Abstaining from sex is the only one hundred percent way to keep from becoming pregnant; but there are other ways to help minimize the risks should a person choose to have sex. If teachers are teaching the abstinence plus method, they would then discuss the different types of contraception that can be used to keep from becoming pregnant. Teachers would discuss the pros and cons of each type of contraception with the students. The abstinence only program usually just discusses the failures of the different types of contraception, which does not give dents complete and correct information (Sex Education Programs). Schools also discuss what the body goes through during pregnancy, such as the visual changes, the physical changes that are not seen, and the emotional side as well. They also delve into the kinds of life changes that may happen, like the responsibilities of parenthood. Schools talk about what social changes a person has to make when they have a child, such as not being able to go out whenever that person may want to, having to find a babysitter that is trustworthy, and the money that will need to be diverted to childcare. Although parents may cover pregnancy with children, they may over exaggerate what may happen, whereas a teacher will give the facts to students. When a person chooses to have sex there is a risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease or SST, also know as a sexually transmitted infection or SST. Schools tend to do research and obtain information on the many different types of Studs, and can teach more of that information to students than some parents. Youth will learn the different ways of contracting the diseases, what symptoms a person may get when they contract one of them, and what kind, if any, cures exist. If youth are taught comprehensive information about Studs, there will be a decrease in Studs being spread. In Lorans book Safer Sex: The New Morality, it is stated that significantly lowered their SIT rates because of their pragmatic approach to sexuality. They have educated the public through schools and through mass media campaigns (152). If European countries have been able to lower SST rates by education than so can the United States by allowing schools to teach comprehensive sex education. By allowing schools to teach sex education they will be able to stop some of the youths associated with sex. Some myths associated with sex are that a female cannot get pregnant the first time having sex, without penetration, having sex in a hot tub, if have not started menstruation, if douche after sex, or if a female is raped. Other myths include premarital sex will cause infertility; condoms either do not work at all or can be twice as safe if uses more than one, condoms do not provide any protection from sexually transmitted diseases; or that a person can not contract diseases through anal sex (Grant; Learn 142). According to Planned Parenthood, allowing schools to teach comprehensive sex education will help students confront the realities of sexual behavior since it is able to cover topics like abstinence, contraception, and sexually transmitted diseases (Sexual Values 177). Schools may teach more than Just puberty, pregnancy, Studs, and peer pressure. Unfortunately, there is no standard on what a school teaches. One group, the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States or CUSCUS, suggests that schools teach the comprehensive method of sex education. CUSCUS has developed a large document that gives suggested guidelines for schools to build heir curriculum on. They have six key concepts which are human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, and society and culture; each of these with six to seven topics. Some of the topics include puberty, reproduction, body image, sexual orientation, family relationships, friendship, love, romance, marriage, children, values, decision making, communication, negotiation, sexuality throughout life, abstinence, sexual fantasy, contraception, abortion, sexually transmitted diseases, HIVE and AIDS, gender roles, and diversity (Guidelines for Comprehensive 18). If schools are able to follow the guidelines set by CUSCUS, then students will be taught more than Just sex before marriage, but a myriad of information that will assist them in multiple types of relationships for the rest of their lives. Although sexual education courses are good and very informative, there are still many people who oppose those types of classes. Some people feel that schools will end up sending mixed messages to adolescents when teaching sex education. These people feel it is a mixed message because a school will try to teach youth to abstain room sex, but then include information about safe sex (Sexual Values 183). People feel that by including both types of messages, youth will not be able to distinguish which method is the better of the two and will choose to have sex. Some parents feel that schools should stay out of teaching sex education and leave it up to them. There are parents who feel that the only people who should be teaching youth about sex or anything associated with sex, are parents. One reason why some people feel this way is because when teaching children about sex, youth are also being taught bout morals and values which are designated as parental responsibilities not scholastic. Many parents want their children to have certain values, which are often through parents or religious leaders only because they can teach youth those values. Some religions and countries believe it is taboo to talk openly about sex. There are parents whom feel that schools should not be teaching sex because it is against their specific values or religion to talk about sex openly. Some parents also feel that by schools teaching sex education to youth, they are promoting teen sex. Parents feel hat giving youth the knowledge about contraceptives and how to use contraceptives properly will encourage them to have sex. When talking about condoms some people feel Teach them how to use them? Why not teach them how to have sexual intercourse right in class? Thats what youre encouraging (Learn 144). During sex education courses, adolescents are sometimes exposed to videos about sex and the body parts that are generally associated with sexual activities. Many parents do not like the idea of their children being exposed to these types of imagery and thus do not approve of sex education being taught in school. Some people believe that sex education courses that have already been introduced into the schools are the cause of the increase in number of teens that have sex and the increase in teen pregnancy (Humility). Even though there are parents and other people who feel that sex education should be left up to parents, there are still good reasons why a school should be involved as well. Even the American Medical Associations (AMA) website acknowledges that both parents and schools should be involved in youths sexual education experiences (Abstinence-only). There are parents who believe that schools would be interfering with their beliefs and values if the schools were to teach sex education, but sex education courses are more about facts and allowing the students to make their own decisions when it comes to sexual relationships. There are some cultures and religions that feel talking openly about sex is taboo, take China for instance. China has had a long standing belief that sex should not openly be discussed. According too Chinese newspaper called Peoples Daily, China has decided to start teaching sex education in middle schools. This article states that Lie Handing, who is the deputy director of the Family Planning Association of China, believes it is time to stop teaching their ideal moral standards, and allow the youth to learn and be able to choose the right lifestyle choice on their own (Beijing Publishes). So even though it has been taboo in China to talk about sex, they have decided that it is in the best interest of their youth to have the schools teach sex education. There are some people who feel that by teaching sex education to youth, schools will be sending mixed messages. Schools advocate abstinence but also teach about interception to give youth adequate information for when they choose to engage in sexual activities, whenever they choose to do so. According to a book titled Sexual Values: Opposing Viewpoints, Planned Parenthood feels that instructing youth on abstinence and contraceptives is not sending mixed messages. Planned Parenthood states that by teaching both, schools will be teaching a balanced message not a mixed message. They give a few examples of similar messages: Drive safely so you can avoid accidents; and wear your seat belt Just in case. Candy tastes good, but eating a lot of it isnt good for you. Its best to avoid too much sun exposure; but if youre going to be in the sun a lot, wear sunscreen (Sexual Values 183). So society is already sending these types of messages without them being construed as being member in Texas, Teachers should teach both because thats what education is teaching students about the pros and cons and helping them make the best possible choice for themselves (Thomas). So teaching both abstinence and contraception to youth is a good idea because they receive complete information. Although there are people who feel that by teaching sex education to youth, schools will be promoting sex, there are statistics that contradict this theory. When the World Health Organization (WHO) reviewed 35 sex education programs they found that comprehensive programs were effective in promoting the delay of first intercourse and safer sex practices. The WHO says that none of these programs increase sexual activity levels (Learn 126). Even Avert. Org, an international AIDS charity, agrees that sex education programs push the average age of first sexual intercourse back and also reduces the risks associated with sex (Sex Education that Works). By giving youth complete and correct information on sex and the risks associated with sex, youth are able to make their own responsible decisions on whether they are willing to take those risks. There are other countries that teach sex education, and their rates of teen sexual activity are no higher than Americas, and their rates of teenage pregnancy, childbearing, and abortion are two to seven times lower (Sexual Values 178). In a 1986 report from the National Research Council, it was found that the information given on contraceptives did not influence their decision to participate in sexual activities (Sexual Values 183). According to Debra Huffier, who wrote Abstinence-only education Isnt Enough, there was a government report that found as the comprehensive sex education courses increased the number of teenage females participating in sex has decreased and so has the birthrate among them (CTD. In Francoise and Tavern 80). Although parents and other people will still have the belief that instructing youth on sex education will increase their chance of having sex, there are many people who say that it does not increase the amount, but it does assist those who are already having sex to make good decisions about protecting themselves. When looking at different statistics for teen pregnancy and Studs comparing the United States to other Countries that have extensive sex education courses, there are tremendous differences. Youth in the United States are experimenting in sexual activities at younger ages than they have in the past. According to the book Sexual Values, One-fourth of all girls and one-third of all boys have had intercourse by age 15; 75% of females and 86% of males by age 19 (181). This is an alarming amount of youth participating in sexual activities. An article written in a youth magazine in Australia says The U. S. Pregnancy rate is 53 per 1000 teenagers. Holland, which has had explicit sex education for decades has a rate of 5 per 1000, as is Australias. Only 6% of the births in Queensland are to teenagers (Divided Opinion). Many youth that are participating in sexual activities are doing so unprotected, and according to some research young people 1 5 to 24 account for about half the new cases of sexually transmitted diseases in the United States each year (Sherman). According to the book Safer Sex: The New Morality, Teens in the United States contract about 3 million Stys each year. Chlamydia is n the rise, with severe consequences. Our generator rate is 25 times higher than Germany. In the general population, the United States rate of AIDS is ten times more than four times higher than the rate in France. One in five people in the United States has an SST. About 25 percent of sexually experienced adolescents are infected. (Learn 153) These other countries listed include sex education in their school curriculum and their statistics are better than the United States. Of course parents should be teaching their children sex education, but schools play a vital and long-standing role in adolescents lives. Many parents find talking about sex education difficult, and that they are not sure of all of the information that youth may want to discuss. Schools have been designed to provide youth with complete information in order for them to be better informed and be able to make their own educated Judgments. One person has been quoted as saying: I ask those who oppose sex education: How could education ever be wrong? How could ignorance ever be right? What good is reading, writing and arithmetic to a student who will die of AIDS because he or she was denied education by our schools? There are many reasons why schools must educate students on life issues like protective sex education. Ignorance is not bliss. (Sexual Values 179) No parents would want their children to be uneducated, and when it comes to sex education, there should be no difference in that belief. As previously mentioned, there have also been studies which have shown that other countries whom include sex education into their curriculum may not have less teen sex, but teens wait anywhere from a year to two years longer than here in the United States, have less teen pregnancies, and lower rates of sexually transmitted sissies. By looking at this kind of information, what better way to have youth educated on issues that are discussed in sex education, than to have it taught by schools? Schools may not get into the religious views on sex, but schools can at least ensure that youth have correct information. Very few people will choose to abstain from sex until marriage, so youth need all valid information to be able to make informed choices when they choose to participate in sexual activities, whether before or during marriage. The only way to make sure youth received complete information s to have schools teach sex education as well as the parents. Sex Education Essay Example Sex Education Essay Something thats being overlooked is this situation: Whether students are taught sex education in elementary school or not, those students will most likely learn about sex through some other means anyways. However, sex education should not be taught in elementary school. First of all, if schools were to teach sex education at the elementary level, it would only make children more curious about sex and we all know what curiosity did to the cat right? Furthermore, what would be accomplished by teaching students sex education in elementary school? Lastly, there are other subjects that we could be putting more emphasis on instead of sex at the elementary level. So no, elementary students should not have sex education classes. When dealing with the topic of sex, it is a great idea to know who youre dealing with when trying to explain it. As good as teachers know their students, the parents of the students are better off trying to explain sex to the students. Especially at the elementary level. It would take someone who the students saw as an authority figure to teach them about sex and sorry to say, all students do not feel as if their teachers have authority over them. We will write a custom essay sample on Sex Education specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Sex Education specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Sex Education specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer To make matters worse, since students would not feel like the teachers could tell them what they could and could not do, they might actually decide to try it. It is the same as telling children not to play with fire. Ever notice how many children still end up with burns? Curiosity did indeed kill the cat. Something else to consider when thinking about whether students should be taught sex education in elementary school: What are the benefits and do they outweigh the potential problems that could come with it? Yes, students being aware of sex and all of its problems would help them. But it could potentially hurt them as well. If schools are going to teach sex education, they should focus on abstinence and not just the intercourse part. Polluting the minds of children at that young of an age, you also want someone who is TRAINED to teach children about sex. That way they do not include their own morals or beliefs into teaching it. The final con to teaching to sex education in elementary school is this: Reading, writing and math need to improve. So instead of putting more time (and money) into a different subject, we SHOULD be putting more effort into those core subjects to see improvement. When looking for a job, sex education is inferior to arithmetic and english skills. Thats why those subjects should be our main concern. Putting sex education above these only deprives us from learning skills that will actually help us to become successful in life and not just when dealing with sex.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Legality Of Same Sex Marriages

Legality of Same-Sex Marriages The proposed legalization of same-sex marriage is one of the most significant issues in contemporary American family law. Presently, it is one of the most vigorously advocated reforms discussed in law reviews, one of the most explosive political questions facing lawmakers, and one of the most provocative issues emerging before American courts. If same-sex marriage is legalized, it could be one of the most revolutionary policy decisions in the history of American family law. The potential consequences, positive or negative, for children, parents, same-sex couples, families, social structure public health, and the status of women are enormous. Given the importance of the issue, the value of comprehensive debate of the reasons for and against legalizing same-sex marriage should be obvious. Marriage is much more than merely a commitment to love one another. Aside from societal and religious conventions, marriage entails legally imposed financial responsibility and legally authori zed financial benefits. Marriage provides automatic legal protections for the spouse, including medical visitation,succession of a deceased spouse's property, as well as pension and other rights. When two adults desire to "contract" in the eyes of the law, as well a perhaps promise in the eyes of the Lord and their friends and family, to be responsible for the obligations of marriage as well as to enjoy its benefits, should the law prohibit their request merely because they are of the same gender? I intend to prove that because of Article IV of the United States Constitution, there is no reason why the federal government nor any state government should restrict marriage to a predefined heterosexual relationship. Marriage has changed throughout the years. In Western law, wives are now equal rather than subordinate partners; interracial marriage is now widely accepted, both in statute and in society; and marital failure i... Free Essays on Legality Of Same Sex Marriages Free Essays on Legality Of Same Sex Marriages Legality of Same-Sex Marriages The proposed legalization of same-sex marriage is one of the most significant issues in contemporary American family law. Presently, it is one of the most vigorously advocated reforms discussed in law reviews, one of the most explosive political questions facing lawmakers, and one of the most provocative issues emerging before American courts. If same-sex marriage is legalized, it could be one of the most revolutionary policy decisions in the history of American family law. The potential consequences, positive or negative, for children, parents, same-sex couples, families, social structure public health, and the status of women are enormous. Given the importance of the issue, the value of comprehensive debate of the reasons for and against legalizing same-sex marriage should be obvious. Marriage is much more than merely a commitment to love one another. Aside from societal and religious conventions, marriage entails legally imposed financial responsibility and legally authori zed financial benefits. Marriage provides automatic legal protections for the spouse, including medical visitation,succession of a deceased spouse's property, as well as pension and other rights. When two adults desire to "contract" in the eyes of the law, as well a perhaps promise in the eyes of the Lord and their friends and family, to be responsible for the obligations of marriage as well as to enjoy its benefits, should the law prohibit their request merely because they are of the same gender? I intend to prove that because of Article IV of the United States Constitution, there is no reason why the federal government nor any state government should restrict marriage to a predefined heterosexual relationship. Marriage has changed throughout the years. In Western law, wives are now equal rather than subordinate partners; interracial marriage is now widely accepted, both in statute and in society; and marital failure i...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Pay For Play Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pay For Play - Essay Example I have chosen to write about this topic as I have seen college athletes undergoing much sacrifice and bring money but they are not paid in return. Second reason I chose this topic is because I have been a football player in college and I understand what it means to work to get money for extra spending. So I believe that college athletes should be paid has they put lot effort in bringing advantage to college. (Thesis) College athletes have developed into uncrowned and undefined athletic heroes who strive and struggle to bring a well -defined fame and earn an overly demarcated reputation for the institute, which has been over the years counted as their performing duty that calls for no justification to be paid financially. However, I strongly believe that the regulations regarding payment of college athletes be changed because these players bring in too much money and put in too much work for them to not be earning a paycheck. Major sports played at college-Sports have been an integral part of college education and it has always encouraged and inspired students to be more active and contribute to the college heritage. The colleges hold sport events on a regular basis and it has been a way to explore the talent and skill of students from a different dimension. Sports have united and inspired young men to be able and fit to become a professional sportsman. The major sports played at college and university level are football, basketball, baseball and softball. The history of sports at college and university can be traced back to couple of centuries History of college sports-The history of college sports is thought to be originated around 1850s and since then it has been evolved to become a major mission in educational campuses across America. It has been regarded as the perfect physical activity and the desire of the young men. The competitive spirit and vigor which consisted in college sports hiked the mental and physical pleasure of the students. The college autho rities elaborately planned sports activities which motivated the students immensely and sports event on college and national level became a prestigious venture and money making phenomena for college authorities. On the other hand, the students athletes remained thrilled about being college’s selected people and representatives of college on state level. Moreover, the media kept the young athletes in the lime light and the scholarship provided by colleges to them stood as a bonus. Recruitment of college athletes -Recruiting is a significant phase in college sports. The recruitment process is headed by college coach and large amount of power is vested with him in selecting the college athletes. It has been experienced that the selection procedure of athletes many a times is subjected to bias and discriminations. For the recruitment procedure, the athletes are required to do rigorous practice and this take lot of energy and time of the students which ruined their academics. The most important point in consideration is that these institutes that have been developed to nurture, maintain and enhance the intellectual minds at the professional level and speed up the purpose of taming the existing skills into more sophisticated commercial and other practical uses, when they employ physical strengths of the same youth alongside to the above mentioned rational goals, how could they be ignorant of giving the youth the required motivation to grow in athletics? (ESPN Colleeg Sports, 2013)However, when it comes to payment