Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Complexities of Morality and Perception in Tom Jones...

The Complexities of Morality and Perception in Tom Jones by Henry Fielding When Henry Fieldings Tom Jones was published, it was considered by many critics to be an entirely immoral, and thus, quite offensive piece of writing. Even the back cover of our Oxford Worlds Classics edition makes reference to the work as A motley history of bastardism, fornication and adultery. Inside this same edition, John Benders introduction describes the negative response to the work by Fieldings own peers and predecessors in Samuel Johnson and Samuel Richardson (xvii-xx). While the public was somewhat more enticed by the storys seedy details and wild characters, the book was generally considered with at least a little skepticism regarding†¦show more content†¦His novel is a work containing many sets of corresponding opposites. And so this direct and opposing set of opinions about Tom and Master Blifil helps establish the two as one of these sets. Also, the formation of Mr. Allworthys less than shining opinion of Tom provides some foreshadowing of his later action s towards our main character. Fielding goes as far as to directly point out this foreshadowing, in a typical intrusion of narrative perspective, when he tells us that this developing shift in opinions has prepared Mr. Allworthys mind for those impressions which afterwards produced the mighty events that will be contained hereafter in this history (122). This kind of narrative intrusion pops up all over Tom Jones, and it is an exceptionally blatant use of the device later in the chapter which gives this portion of the book such importance when considering Fieldings moral implications. After establishing the impression of the two boys developed by Mr. Allworthy, Fielding inserts an entire paragraph, written in the authors own voice, outlining one of the novels major moral assertions. Fielding, aware of this passages function, even subtitles the chapter In which the author himself makes an appearance on the stage (121), laying out for the reader a clear understanding of the presence of a narrative voice outside the action of the story which serves to clarify the authors opinion of the chapters meaning. He uses the impression of the boys describedShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pages Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Director of Editorial Services: Ashley Santora Acquisitions Editor: Brian Mickelson Editorial Project Manager: Sarah Holle Editorial Assistant: Ashlee Bradbury VP Director of Marketing: Patrice Lumumba Jones Senior Marketing Manager: Nikki Ayana Jones Senior Managing Editor: Judy Leale Production Project Manager: Becca Groves Senior Operations Supervisor: Arnold Vila Operations Specialist: Cathleen Petersen Senior Art Director: Janet Slowik Art Director: Kenny Beck TextRead MoreProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words   |  860 PagesInternational Project Manager s Day (D) (see handout provided by instructor) Ellen Moore (A): Living and Working in Korea 177 Ji nan Broadcasting Corporation 196 4 PROJECT MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES 205 Quasar Communications, Inc. 207 Jones and Shephard Accountants, Inc. 212 Fargo Foods 216 Government Project Management 220 Falls Engineering 222 White Manufacturing 227 Martig Construction Company 229 Mohawk National Bank 231 5 NEGOTIATING FOR RESOURCES 235 Ducor Chemical 237

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Effects Of Adhd On The Life Of An Individual - 1456 Words

Using your textbook and the article above, construct 2 8-sentence paragraphs summarizing what you read. In the article entitled, â€Å"The effects of ADHD on the life of an individual, their family, and community from preschool to adult life†, provided by the Archives of Disease in Childhood, talks about the individual stages of a person suffering from ADHD. The stages beginning from childhood and continue on to adolescence and lastly adult life. Every stage is very different from the next. As children in preschool, â€Å"in this age group there is often unusually poor intensity of play and excessive motor restlessness.† So they lack being playful but they excessively talk maybe interrupting the teacher or someone that is an authority figure. Their behavior opposes those of societal norms like breaking the rules in a classroom. Their social skills lack as they keep to themselves so not much interaction with others. It is important that when teachers notice a difference in the student’s behavior to immediately inform the parents that way parents can be more so invol ved with the child. Parents might encounter huge amounts of stress even strain on their marriage when finding out about their child, but with the help of teachers and outside sources parents will be better able to meet the demands of the child. In the first years of schooling children with normal learning abilities will surpass those with ADHD, but if the teacher is actively involved with those students with ADHD (338) theyShow MoreRelatedAttention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd )1664 Words   |  7 Pageshyperactive disorder (ADHD), is a neurobehavioral disorder of the brain. Textbooks typically depict an individual with ADHD as one who is inattentive, highly distractible, unable to contain stimuli, disorganized and exhibits excessive motor activity (Townsend Morgan, 2017, p. 636). It is easy to define a person by their impulsivity; however, it is difficult to try and understand the reasons behind the behavioral patterns that come along with this disorder. Blake Taylor, in h is book, ADHD Me, offers aRead MoreMisunderstood Minds: ADHAD in College Students1434 Words   |  6 PagesDisorder, generally known as ADHD can be described as having a nonstop conversation with yourself. Constant racing thoughts, changing from one thing to another, not needing coffee because you already have a buzzed. Instead of walking, you are running. Standing in line for one minute feels like five hours. Always on the go and never looking back because, it would cause you to slow down. Imagine that always happening and not being able to control any of it. Unfortunately, this effects two to eight percentRead MoreEssay on Overview of ADHD1063 Words   |  5 PagesDisorder, otherwise known as ADHD, is the most common psychiatric condition effecting 9.5% of school-aged children in the United States (intuniv, 2013). If the disorder goes untreated, it will cause more long-term side effects and difficulties for the individual as an adult. Adults who have this condition face severa l adversities in every day life, such as impulsive behavior, low self-esteem and poor work performance. People are not aware of the complications that come with ADHD in adults. Not knowingRead MoreWhat Is Adhd?. Adhd Stands For Attention Deficit Hyperactivity1564 Words   |  7 PagesWhat is ADHD? ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is also called ADD for short. ADHD is a brain disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and hyperactivity that interferes with the everyday life of a person. This developmental impairment of the brain’s self-management system includes problems with motivation, focusing on tasks and monitoring emotions to fit any given environment (Frank). According to the article, ADHD by the Numbers: Facts, Statistics, and YouRead MoreThe Ethical Issues Surrounding Cognitive Enhancers1232 Words   |  5 Pagesalertness is caffeine, which is contained in tea, coffee and many fizzy drinks (Bostrom and Sandberg, 2009). Other cognitive enhancers used today include Ritalin (Methylphenidate), which is used to treat ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Ritalin was developed to help treat those diagnosed with ADHD as it improves attention and motivation, however many â€Å"ordinary† people take the drug to imp rove their cognitive ability. Although, there are many ethical issues surrounding cognitive enhancers whichRead MoreLearning to Cope with ADHD as an Adult Learner Essay1244 Words   |  5 PagesLearning to Cope with ADHD as an Adult Learner Typically when one hears the term â€Å"ADHD† and the potential negative effects that it could have on someone striving towards academic success, they immediately think school age children. Though it is more common for children to be diagnosed and treated, 5% of U.S. adults are living with this condition (American Psychiatric Association, 2012). First ADHD must be defined before coping methods can be explained. ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactive DisorderRead MoreAttention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Essay1474 Words   |  6 Pagescrossing the street without looking, and making decision that you don’t completely analyze. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can make a person’s everyday life more difficult, but this does not only apply to the one diagnosed. Living with someone with ADHD or even being friends with someone with ADHD can have an effect on a person’s life. From the patients impulsive actions, all the way to their inability to p ay attention to what someone is saying can affect everyone around them. Attention DeficitRead MoreThe Most Successful People With Adhd1741 Words   |  7 Pageswrites that individuals diagnosed with ADHD experiencing symptoms in a more severity more frequently and their symptoms directly affect their functions at school or work. (4) I would argue that in some cases the heightened symptoms these individuals deal with are the same symptoms that any one individual deals with throughout their life. There are certainly those individuals that thrive because of these symptoms. Elite Daily wrote an article titled The 10 Most Successful People With ADHD these individualRead MoreEssay about Medication versus Alternative Therapy in ADHD955 Words   |  4 PagesMedication versus Alternative therapy in ADHD When dealing with adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD may become a challenge for many parents. Knowing the facts about this disorder and how to treat the problem is the key to a healthy lifestyle for adolescents as well as families. Many therapies and medications are available to families with children with ADHD but many questions that parents have with their children with ADHD is which therapy is best and what would workRead MoreAttention Deficit / Hyperactive Disorder923 Words   |  4 PagesBesjakov, Karlsson, 2010). A child with ADHD may show signs of restlessness, easily distracted, difficulty with organization, being physically active, and many more. ADHD has become a development disorder for many because many of the symptoms can cause behavioral, educational, and social problems for the child. There is no actually medical cause of ADHD but there are many factors that can play a role in if a child will develop ADHD. A history of ADHD in parents and family can be a strong predictor

Friday, December 13, 2019

Company Financial Analysis Essay Free Essays

Emirates Computers Name: Instructor: Task: Date: Calculate the three (3) liquidity, five (5) financial leverage, six (6) turnover and four (4) profitability ratios for all the years as per example 3. 5 in the PowerPoint presentations. Liquidity; Current ratio=current assets/current liabilities 2010:29021/19483=1. We will write a custom essay sample on Company Financial Analysis Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now 49 2011:24245/18960=1. 28 Quick ratio= (current assets- inventories)/current liabilities 2010: (29021-1301)/19483=1. 42 2011: (24245-1051)/18960=1. 22 Cash ratio=cash/current liabilities 2010:13913/19483=0. 71 2011:10635/18960=0. 6 Financial leverage; Total debt ratio= (total assets-total equity)/total assets 2010: (29021-7766)/29021=0. 73 2011: (24245-5641)/24245=0. 77 Debt equity ratio=total debt/total equity 2010: 30833/7766=3. 97 2011: 28011/5641=4. 97 Equity multiplier=total assets/total equity 2010:29021/7766=3. 74 2011:24245/5641=4. 29 Turnover; Inventory turnover=cost of goods sold/inventory 2010:49128/1301=37. 76 2011:42789/1051=40. 71 Days sales inventory=365/inventory 2010:365/1301=0. 28 2011:365/1051=0. 35 Receivables turnover=sales/account receivables 010:61494/10136=6. 07 2011:52902/8543=6. 19 Days sales in receivables=365/receivables turn over 2010:365/10136=0. 04 2011:365/8543=0. 04 Total assets turn over=sales/total assets 2010:61494/38599=1. 59 2011:52902/33652=1. 57 Capital intensity=total assets/ sales 2010:38599/61494=0. 63 2011:33562/52902=0. 63 Profitability ratios; Profit margin=net income/sales 2010:2635/61494=0. 04 2011:1433/52902=0. 09 Return on assets=net income/total assets 2010:2635/38599=0. 31 2011:1433/33652=0. 04 Return on equity=net income/total equity 2010:2635/7766=0. 4 2011:1433/5641=0. 25 Emirates Computer products and services bring revenue from its sales. Revenues from January 2010 to January 2011 were about 16% that is an increase from the previous years. This was mainly because of the recovery in the economy. A company’s economic health is critical because the products it sells are not primary products and therefore people prefer buying food than spending money to acquire a computer. This explains the reasons to why there was a decline in revenue for the year 2009, which was about 13. % drop in comparison to the previous years. 2010 has reported an increase and this is due to a change in the strategies involved in the business. The revenue stream of the company has changed due to the solution and services that Emirates Computers has put in place. The service revenue has shown a tremendous increase over the years. There has been a gradual appreciation from 14. 3% of revenue in January to about 18. 7%of revenue in January 2011. There has been a profitable growth of 25% in 2010 and a growth of about 5% in the year 2009. The percentage of revenue for the past three year has been due to cost of goods and services, which has shown a relative growth. Expenses like selling and administrative expenses and other expenses have been constant for over three years. There was an increase on intangible assets in addition to other costs. This is because of an increase on intangible assets from the Perot systems in 2010. The increase in facility action costs and severance was because of closure of some facilities that manufacturers used in addition to using contract manufactures to provide cheaper services. The company has shown increase in values because of its stability in percentage revenues because the company has good management, which understands the business, and controls their costs. The company is well informed, they understand every detail that may challenge it operation, and therefore they never encounter surprises that may negatively influence them. The company has registered an excellent net income in the year 2011 which showed an increase of over 80% from the years before. Return on assets is 2. 5 % and profit margin is 1. 6%, which come because of the increase in net income. Additionally the growth in the company has been because of higher revenues and a good cost control. The change in the company’s way of operation has led to the increase in net income. The services of operation of this company have increased as compared to the cost of manufacturing the product. The acquisition of the Perot systems led to the decrease in net income to 42. 2 % in 2010. Health wise the company has shown progress and therefore Emirates Computers has plans to keep expanding its services to a higher level, which will eventually help the company (Peterson Fabozzi, 2012). There has been an increase on the current assets as compared to previous year from 72% to 75% in the year 2011. The company has recognized all highly liquid investments such as credit cards from banks with a three month original maturities. These because there was increase in cash provided by operations while a decrease in cash in investing activities. The decrease in cash in investing activities is mainly because of lack of material they are important for acquisitions in 2011 as compared to 2010. Generally, the company has portrayed a good fiscal year and their good health. It indicates an improvement in the ability to generate profits and income. The company has shown efficiency and effectiveness in because all the three Profitability ratios that involve profit margin, return on assets and return on equity. The company has a qualified auditor who analyses the financial statement of accounts of the company. Although at one point, the auditor gave an unqualified opinion concerning its financial statements. This is evident when analyzing the property plant equipment account, which is not very heavy in the balance sheet. The only representation is only 5. 1% assets own by Emirates Computers. Another aspect that the company has shown strength in is its Liquidity. The company current assets increased while its current liabilities and the current ratio and quick ration showed an increase from 1. 2% and 1. 22% in 2010 to 1. 49% and 1. 42%. Current liabilities on a dollar remained stable. Nevertheless, the increase in total assets, led to the decrease in current liabilities to 5. 8 %. All changes made Emirates Computers to be liquid and this gave it a boost and an advantage thus indicating good health. The company’s equity of stakeholders increased to about 2 billion dollars (Fridson Alvarez, 2011). This is because of the increase as are suit of earnings retained. In the year 2010 – 2011 return on equity (ROE) rose from 28. 8% to 39. 3% in 2011 while net income increased greater the stakeholders equity. Therefore, Emirates Computers makes profit with the stock price variation because it does not pay dividends (Tracy, 2009). Conclusively, the purpose of Emirates Computers Company is mainly to offset gains and losses that resulted from their exposure on contract. This reduces volatility of the earnings in addition to protecting the values of assets and liabilities. Emirates Computers carries out assessments in order to ensure effectiveness both at the beginning of hedge and at regular intervals in order to pinpoint out any ineffectiveness that might occur. Reference Peterson, P. P. , Fabozzi, F. J. (2012). Analysis of Financial Statements. Hoboken: John Wiley amp; Sons. Tracy, J. A. (2009). How to read a financial report: Wringing vital signs out of the numbers. Hoboken, N. J: John Wiley Sons. Fridson, M. S. , Alvarez, F. (2011). Financial statement analysis: A practitioner’s guide. Hoboken, N. J: Wiley. How to cite Company Financial Analysis Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Best Buy Management

Question: What isBest Buy? Explain. Answer: Best buy is an american multinational corporation that deals in consumer electronics and goods. The company has its headquarters in richfield, minnesota while it operates in the united states, canada and mexico. The company was founded in 1966 as an audio speciality store by richard m. Schulze and gary smoliak and shifted its focus towards consumer electronics during 1983. Recently, in 2011, the company closed all its stores in china and merged them with five star. The company deals in a variety of consumer electronics and merchandise, such as software, video games, smartphones, video cameras, digital cameras, home appliances, etc. In a non-commissioned sales environment. The company has a workforce of almost 125,000 employees and has around 1,050 stores throughout the world. The company earned revenue of $42.568 billion in 2016 ("about best buy - best buy corporate news and information", 2016). The company has been criticised by the customers on a number of grounds, such as pricing and warranty issues but the company has been following ethical and green business practices since quite some time. The company is one of the many large companies that were criticised for purchasing raw material from companies that were causing unethical deforestation of taiga in canada. Since then, the company launched a greener together program, which was aimed at increasing the energy efficiency of its products and stores so that the company could play its role in saving the environment. The company is one of the top 50 companies that use green power. In 2011, best buy purchased around 119 million kilowatt-hours of green energy that was generated from renewable sources of energy. Best buy structural changes One of the major concerns for the company has been the rising competition in the industry. The company has been facing a lot of stiff competition from a number of companies, such as amazon, which operates throughout the world and is dominating the online retailing industry since quite some time. To meet with the increasing competition and to bring down the operating costs, the management at best buy has been restructuring and cutting down its workforce since a long time. The company has been shaking down the structures of its workforce, including some senior level managers, so that it can become more competitive and can strengthen its market position in the years to come. One of the biggest structural changes that the company has ever introduced was seen in the year 2014. The company shook up its entire workforce when the rumours about the company laying off thousands of employees came out in the media. Earlier, the company had introduced a great leadership change in the year 2012, w hen it also closed some of its stores ("best buy canada to close stores, cut jobs in restructuring", 2016). Best buy co. Inc., in 2012, made an announcement about a change in the leadership of its united states operations, which also included the departure of two senior executives who had been working for a very long time with the company. The people who were being replaced were mike vitelli, who had been leading the companys us business since 2010 and tim sheehan, the executive vice president of the companys us operations (market, n.d.). The company also announced that its united states business would be divided into two channels, which were online and retail. The two new heads who were appointed to look after the channels were stephen gillett, president of digital and marketing, taking control of the online channel and shawn score, head of the companys connectivity business group was made the head of the retail channel. A number of sources thus reveal that the company has been struggling a lot in meeting the challenges posed by the increasing competition and needs to introduce an effecti ve change to deal with the problems ("forbes welcome", n.d.). Designing a change program Best buy is a company that had incredible results in the past but with the increase and rise in the industry competition, the company lost its business to big market players. The company is still struggling and facing a lot of problems in facing the stiff market competition and has been downsizing its workforce in order to reduce the operational costs and become more effective (sag, 2014). It is evident that the company requires a major change in its structure and operational activities so that it would be able to become more competitive in the year to come. Some sources also show that best buy was able to experience improvements in their financial outputs after they started laying off their employees but the reasons behind the improvement were not just related to employee layoffs. The improved financial outputs were due to launch of new gaming consoles, high demand for smartphones and latest led tvs, which shows that best buy could not achieve the desired results even after laying odd thousands of employees and changing the leaders of the organisation, which is one of the biggest form of change for any company ("forbes welcome", n.d.). Let us discuss a change program that would help the company in reviving its market position: First of all, the company needs to restructure its organisation from top to bottom. The company has been struggling with its organisational structure, which is evident from the fact that it has been changing its senior level executives and has been laying off thousands of employees year after year. The tendency of the company to lay off employees regularly fosters fear amongst the workforce that they might be laid off during the next downsizing. Such practices do not foster a good work environment. Therefore, the company needs to carefully analyse its human resource requirements and should try to keep only as many number of employees as are required for the proper running of operations. The downsizing should be done only once, rather than doing it year after year, and the workforce that is laid off should be properly compensated for being laid off. Once the company is able to maintain adequate workforce, it would not have to spend additional operating expenses in maintaining a larger workforce, which is not even required. Secondly, the company needs to think of a paying scheme that would allow the company to pay variable salaries to the employees, rather than paying them fixed salaries. As the company is into consumer electronics sales business, the company can implement a variable pay scheme for some employees, if not all. This would greatly help the company in cutting down the operating costs as it would not have to pay higher salaries when the sales go down. The strategy would also help the company in increasing employee engagement as they would try to work harder to earn higher salaries. The company accounts for almost one third of all the us consumer electronic purchases and is losing its market share quickly. It would not be wrong to anticipate that the company will lose all its business to the competition in the years to come. The sole reason behind the downfall of the company is that more and more retail stores are entering into the market and are increasing the competition. With the spread of apple retail stores across the world, the company further suffered a great loss in its business. One of the urgent changes that the company needs to introduce is to tie up with more and more electronic brands and introduce more products in its stores ("forbes welcome", n.d.). The company should be challenging the market competitors in terms of both price and variety. The company needs to change its strategy and lay a greater focus on pricing strategies as customers these days are looking for cheaper products. According to some resources, it has been found that the customers use best buy as a showroom to check prices of products while they make the final purchase from other online retailers, such as amazon. Multinational companies, such as wal-mart, amazon, etc. Have been able to capture the market by keeping their prices low and sticking to aggressive market strategies. Best buy too needs to regain its confidence and rather than focusing upon reducing operational costs by laying off employees, the company should now change its strategic focus and adopt strategies that would help it in providing better quality products at cheaper prices. Change agents and organisational culture The company is facing a critical situation where its business is at high risk due to increasing market competition. In such a scenario, a wrong step would do more harm to the company than the potential benefits of a successful change or strategy. Therefore, it becomes necessary for the management to carefully plan its moves, especially when it comes to downsizing of the organisation. The company needs to involve a number of change agents that would help the management in bringing about the change that it is planning to introduce. One of the