Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Business Advertising Volatile Economic Conditions

Question: Describe about the Business Advertising for Volatile Economic Conditions . Answer: 1A: Purpose of advertising in marketing Adverting is the major pathways of introducing the concept of product to the customers. Only providing effective quality product and services to the customers is not the sole responsibility of business organization. The business experts should know the tricks of product promotion for pulling the customers towards the organization (Cheong, Kim and Kim 2013). Advertising plays the role of a bridge with the help of which business experts can easily reach to the doorstep of customers. B: Five principles of effective advertising applying for the market Principles Explanation 1. Providing effective copy by avoiding propaganda Advertisers should never use numbers of epithets while creating the advertising copy. Over exaggeration of products may hamper customer reliability. 2. Providing an in-depth overview about the reliability of products to the customers The advertising concept should be formed in such a way that customers can get detailed insight about the product reliability, ingredients of products, price of products and many more. 3. Advertisers should not choose any miss-leading content that can be harmful for viewers Before broadcasting advertising in a national television channel or print media, the advertisers should be concerned about the content as the viewers are not restricted within a particular age group. 4. promoting the products beyond going regional market The primary principle of advertising is to promote the product in different geographical boundaries. As a result, the customers from different age group would also get to know the benefits and facilities from the customers. 5. Providing clear, colorful simple concept so that people from different backgrounds can understand the message The advertising content should be presented in such a way that people from various academic background and culture can catch the message. The primary purpose of advertising is to draw the attention of large number of people rather than targeting a specific group. C: Five principles of customers behavior and provide an example on how it influences in buying behavior Principles of customers behavior Explanation of principles Examples of buyers behavior Cultural Before purchasing a particular product customers tend to verify whether this particular product would affect their cultural belief or not. Before purchasing a garment customer intends to think whether the garment would affect the cultural ethics or not. Social Customers intend to choose products that would be acceptable for their society as well as community. For an example, the people of Malaysia being a developing country would never intend to purchase exposed garments that can hamper the society culture. Personal Customers tend to purchase products as per the personal choice and values Before purchasing jewelers, customers would like to prefer on their personal choice. Psychological The product selling is highly dependent on psychology of customers. While visiting to a shopping mall, customers get varieties of products. Therefore, they would like to purchase that product which would match the value and psychology. Situational Situation plays a major role in customers behavior. For an example, Dettol is the preferable product for a particular customer (Henriksen 2012). Somehow, Dettol is unavailable in the market. Therefore, based on the situation, the customer has to choose another brand. 2: Five contents of an advertising brief Contents Description of importance Background In order to make an advertising brief the background of thee brand plays a major role. Otherwise, the copywriters would not be able to present the brand effectively. Objectives While making the copy writing the clients tend to set their market objectives. Based on the objective the copywriters make the advertising script. Target audience In an advertising brief, the concept of target audience should be clear. Otherwise, the promotion would make no sense. Message The content should be possessed with a proper message. As a result, people would have get an in-depth overview about the essence of product. Budget Before preparing the advertising brief, the copywriter should have a clear idea about budget. The organization and planning of advertisement would be based on that particular content. 3: Definition of industry, services, products and organization within the advertising context Item Definition Example Industry An industry is defined as a manufacturing group that tends to provide a particular services or goods (Henriksen et al. 2012). More specifically, the amalgamation of similar kinds of business is otherwise named as industry. A large number of retail organizations like TESCO, ASDA, Coles, Woolworths and many more form a retail industry. Services Service I the systematic process of fulfilling customers needs and demands. While visiting to a shopping mall the customer executives have to maintain a strong customer relation. They have to maintain effective communication with the customers. In addition, the customers executives have to maintain a balance between customers demands and supply. Products Product is the substance or refined material that is primarily manufactured for selling. Customers show their level of satisfaction on the quality of product. Biscuits, Garments, Jewelers have been considered under products. It is manufactured and designed to draw customers attention. Consequently, people show their interest for purchasing those products. Organizations An organization is the firm, association, company or firm where a group of people is associated for providing effective services in order to reach the business goal (Schudson 2013). An organization is not an industry. It is a self-regulated body where a particular business expert or experts run their entire process of business. A large number of organizations have gained international fame and recognition such as TESCO, ASDA, McDonald, Dominos and many more. 4: Five ethical principles relating to advertising industry While making the advertising content the agencies have to follow some of the major ethical considerations. The advertisers should never allow any content tends to attack personally about the market strategy and philosophy of their competitors. For an example, while promoting the brand of Horlicks, the advertisers should not attack the market value or pricing strategy of Complan. The advertisers should promote the brand in their own way maintaining all the ethics, values and beliefs. The advertisers should promote the brand for the people of different cultures and backgrounds. The copywriters should not maintain any kinds of biasness while preparing contents (Shani and Chalasani 2013). Therefore, the range of target customers would be increased automatically. In addition, the brand would be successful to reach the doorstep of customers from different geographical boundaries. Therefore, an unbiased and fresh content is highly needed to draw the attention of customers. While promoting the advertising script audio visually, the advertisers should maintain ethical considerations. The ethical considerations imply selecting appropriate use of words, providing attractive but sober visual outlook, avoiding biased comment and many more. The advertising content as well as concept should maintain a clear, simple and lucid format that can be achievable for different grounds of people. While promoting a particular product the organization has to focus a large number of target groups (Shimp and Andrews 2012). Therefore, the content should be prepared in such a way that people from various cultural backgrounds like to enjoy the promotional strategy of a particular brand. Advertising agencies should provide correct information regarding the brand to the customers. While making an advertising script the copywriter should not use exaggerating words at the time of promotion. If the expected purchasers do not get effective feedback from the brand, the entire impression becomes demolished. Therefore, the customers should get an in-depth overview about that particular brand before purchasing the product. Advertising agencies should keep themselves aloof from propaganda. 5: Five key provisions of relevant legislations Legislation Explanation The Australian Consumer Law The Australian law ensures fair-trading and consumer protection. With the help of this particular legislation, advertising agencies are not allowed to select or broadcast any content that highly affects the consumer behavior. Anti-discrimination Act While maintaining the promotional activity, the advertising agencies should not focus on gender biasness. The advertising content should be prepared in such a way that people from different cultures and backgrounds can get an in-depth over-view about the essence of advertising. Gender equality Act Advertising agencies should never show their gender-biased attitude. Both the male and female group should be treated with equal respect and dignity. Copy Right Act Copy Right act implies that advertisers should never borrow the language and concept of their competitors. In addition, the copy writers should follow the ethics and values while preparing a content. Data Protection Act This particular act implies that data should not be disclosed to any third party. In order to prepare an advertising campaign the agency has to collect necessary information regarding the client company. Therefore, the advertising agencies should never disclose the important data and information without taking permission from the client. (Source: 2016) Reference List: Cheong, Y., Kim, K. and Kim, H., 2013. Advertising and promotion budgeting during volatile economic conditions: Factors influencing the level of decentralization in budgeting and its relations to budget size and allocation.International Journal of Advertising,32(1), pp.143-162. Henriksen, L., 2012. Comprehensive tobacco marketing restrictions: promotion, packaging, price and place.Tobacco control,21(2), pp.147-153. Henriksen, L., Schleicher, N.C., Dauphinee, A.L. and Fortmann, S.P., 2012. Targeted advertising, promotion, and price for menthol cigarettes in California high school neighborhoods.Nicotine Tobacco Research,14(1), pp.116-121., 2016. [online] Available at: 2016 [Accessed 13 Dec. 2016]. Schudson, M., 2013.Advertising, the uneasy persuasion (RLE Advertising): Its dubious impact on American society. Routledge. Shani, D. and Chalasani, S., 2013. Exploiting niches using relationship marketing.Journal of Services Marketing. Shimp, T.A. and Andrews, J.C., 2012.Advertising promotion and other aspects of integrated marketing communications. Cengage Learning.

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